An introductory Module on Natural Capital

We Value Nature together with the IUCN regional office in Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office and Natural Eco Capital will be hosting a train-the-trainer session for African partners on 30 September from 10:00-12:30 CET. The session will walk you through We Value Nature’s module 1 training material which aims to…

30 September, 2021     event concluded     Zoom

We Value Nature together with the IUCN regional office in Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office and Natural Eco Capital will be hosting a train-the-trainer session for African partners on 30 September from 10:00-12:30 CET.

The session will walk you through We Value Nature’s module 1 training material which aims to introduce the concept of natural capital, why it’s important for decision-making and risk management and what are some of the key tools and approaches to integrate natural capital in decision-making. The aim will be to provide you with all the necessary knowledge and practical tips to run this training yourself in a manner that is relevant to the African context and regional realities.

The train-the-trainer is free to attend – Register here

Date: 30 September, 2021
Time: 10:00-12:30 CET (11:00 -1:30pm Nigerian Time)
Location: Zoom
Register Now