Scaling Climate Actions: Country Strategies and Emergent Investment Opportunities for Green Recovery

As the world convalesces from the COVID-19 pandemic, we must continue ambitious action on climate change. We have an opportunity to rebuild our world for a more inclusive, more resilient, more sustainable future. This includes mainstreaming climate change considerations into…

1 September, 2020     event concluded     Online (via Zoom)

As the world convalesces from the COVID-19 pandemic, we must continue ambitious action on climate change. We have an opportunity to rebuild our world for a more inclusive, more resilient, more sustainable future. This includes mainstreaming climate change considerations into the entire finance ecosystem by targeting both short-term economic recovery and long-term structural changes aligned with sustainable, inclusive growth and strengthening society’s resilience.

To this end, episode two of our webinar series on green recovery is set to stress ambitious actions required in green recovery quest for the government, private businesses and environmentally conscious individual.

Date: 1 September, 2020
Time: 11:00AM - 12:30PM WAT
Location: Online (via Zoom)
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